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Showing posts from May, 2020

Say it, don't spray it!

Why are we talking about “aerosolization” and how does it impact me? ~10 words:  Infectious particles are released into the air, spreading illness to others.  ~100 words: It is important to be aware of risks of in-person interactions, both for business and pleasure.  “Aerosolization of virus containing particles” = potentially infectious, virus containing particles are released from an infected person into their environment as a fine mist.  “Aerosol generating procedure” =  a medical procedure (such as intubation or endoscopy) that causes fine particles to be dispersed. These put the medical provider(s) at risk. “ Aerosol generating activity” = any activity that causes aerosolization of infectious virus particles. These include (but are not limited to) coughing, sneezing, laughing, loud talking, and singing.  Currently, the best recommendation to follow to stay safe is to observe social distancing (stay 6 feet apart from other people) and wear a mask when i...

Can I Communicate Effectively with a Protective Mask in Place?

  Can I communicate effectively with a protective mask? 10 Words: Yes! Communicative efficiency can be maintained with clear/crisp speech . 100 Words: The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our world. No shirt, no shoes, no mask , no service. Masks are recommended for our protection, but communicating efficiently and effectively with a mask is challenging . Here are some tips to communicate effectively: Eliminate unnecessary background noise (loud music, TV, etc). Get BIGGER. Make big movements with your mouth (move your teeth, tongue and jaw more) when speaking. Ensure appropriate mask-fit . Make sure you can move your mouth enough to be clear when you speak. Slow down. Allow for appropriate pauses between phrases. Supplement in-person communication with text (signs, pre-meeting email, close-captioned scribe, etc.) 1000 Words: As we begin discussions of re-opening the nation, we are all faced with the reality of walking back into a world that is vastly different...

Is it safe for choirs to rehearse or perform during the COVID 19 pandemic?

Welcome to the Emory Voice Center (EVC) blog! We will be releasing research briefs on a regular basis to help create a bridge from intimidating science to applicable knowledge.  Today’s questions is: “Is it safe for choirs to rehearse or perform during the COVID 19 pandemic?”   10 words or less :   Currently, it is not safe to sing in crowds.   100 words or less :   COVID-19 spreads from person to person through droplets in the air. There are large droplets and small droplets. Large droplets come from the lungs of one person during coughing or sneezing, and are then inhaled into the nose or mouth by a nearby person.   COVID-19 can also spread through very small droplets in the air- smaller than those expelled in a cough or sneeze. Activities like singing and loud voice produce these types of droplets and should therefore be avoided. COVID-19 can spread from one person to another even if the person does not show any symptoms of the disease.   1,000 word...