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Showing posts from July, 2020

The Voice: Hot or Not?

We spend a lot of time at the Emory Voice Center helping people restore their voices. With the recent pandemic we are all leaning on our voice just a little more than usual - whether that be an increased number of conference calls, "Zoom happy hours", or trying to have a front yard party with a mask. Not only that, but dating (especially first steps) has gotten a little....complicated? We have been thinking about how the voice impacts your perception of attractiveness. On cue, Netflix released "Love is Blind" - a social dating experiment where people talked to complete strangers, separated by an opaque frosted glass wall with the hope of choosing a forever partner. There were some....unique voices that made quite a stir in the public eye (Jessica's "babe").   So can in fact a voice make or break your perception of attractiveness? More below from our resident expert, Brian Petty, CCC-SLP: 10-ish words: The quality of your voice can affect how you are pe...